Fish Burger Time


Here  in the middle of Europe we are currently in the middle of lovely heat wave.
Temperatures over 30° make it impossible to work, lunch break spent swimming down the river, evenings spent at the pool,  nights sleeping with no cover at all.
We love it!
I have to admit I could almost live off cocktails at the moment, but more on this in a later post.
So what to eat when the heat is on? Since I seem to have been born with the Spanish gene – if I could I would never eat before 21.30 – but when eating late I like eating light.
We live off garden salad, peas and fish these days. (That is if we don’t eat fries by the public pool).

You’ll need:

  • For the patties:
  • 600 gr fish. Smoked haddock, Salmon or firm white fish
  • 1 shallot chopped
  • 1 egg
  • 1 good handful of chopped dill or estragon
  • 1 tbs chopped mint
  • 100 gr breadcrumbs soaked in 1 dl milk
  • Zest of half a lemon
  • Salt and pepper
  • Some fresh chopped chilli
  • Flour for coating

You’ll need:

  • For the burgers:
  • Bread that is suitable for making burgers, not necessarily bun shaped (I like to use rougher parisian style bread).
  • Sliced radish
  • Sliced Avocado
  • Sliced cucumber

Roughly chop the fish in a food processor or with the knife.
Squeeze the soaked breadcrumbs.
Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well.

Put into the fridge and let cool for 30 min for a firmer consistency.
Make little patties and turn them in the flour

Heat a large grid pan add some oil and fry the cakes briefly on both sides.

While the cakes are frying prepare the bread and the sliced radish, avocado and cucumber.

Assemble and serve with a slice of lime and lettuce.
